Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's Time to Unite

September 11, 2012

I was compelled today to write the following on my Facebook page:

Ladies & Gentlemen, friends...when are we going to start focusing on what "unites" the United States?! We have allowed ourselves to be led instead of leading! Ask yourselves what would happen if we focused on what we agree upon instead of where we differ. It's a given that we will all differ...now how do we use that strength of difference that made this country great? With respect! Respect for someone else’s opinion, no matter how different or adamantly opposed you are to it. Only then will we rise again in what unites us!

And half a day later, the same feeling led me to create this BLOG...

I used to shy away from the two traditionally taboo subjects; Religion & Politics.  But it seems everyone I meet wants to share their opinion on both…so I gave up that rule and began to listen.  I must tell you that I found a great deal of commonality in opinions among everyone I spoke with…from the gas station attendant to some of the most learned people at the university.  This got me thinking, are we really that different or are we just focused on our differences? 

So here is this BLOG; the most immediate way I could think of sharing these experiences.  I hope these thoughts serve to motivate a common focus on all that we can achieve together and celebrate the minor parts of ourselves that differ. 

I wish you all great things.  Jack

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